Bundt User's Manual · Bundt Toolset version

Aspect Class

An aspect class in a type model is a class that has been designated to have temporal and/or subjective semantics. Aspect classes play a special role, as their instances can work as existence and predication qualifiers to other objects.


Objects in ConML can be qualified for existence and predication, and both in relation to temporality and subjectivity. To accomplish this, a qualifier must be obtained. Qualifiers are objects that instantiate a particulary designated class, called an aspect class.

The temporal aspect class of a type model is a class that has temporal semantics, and thus represents events, points or spans of time. Similarly, the subjective aspect class of a type model is a class that has agent semantics, and thus represents people or groups of people.

The instances of the temporal aspect class may be used as temporal qualifiers for existence or predication. Similarly, the instances of the subjective aspect class may be used as subjective qualifiers.

Aspects in ConML is a complex topic, and can't be fully described here. Please refer to the ConML Technical Specification for additional details.

See Also

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