Bundt User's Manual
Bundt Toolset version
Terms of Use
Bundt and the related materials and documentation constitute a research product of Incipit CSIC .
They have been funded through public grants and therefore they are available for free use.
Incipit CSIC has made all reasonable efforts to make sure that Bundt is free from defects and performs the stated claims correctly.
Also, Incipit CSIC is committed to the ongoing improvement of Bundt.
However, Incipit CSIC declines all liability for any loss, damage or prejudice that might result from its use.
Bundt and the related materials and documentation are distributed through a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
You are free to download and use Bundt, even for commercial purposes.
You can also modify it, integrate it into other products, and redistribute it under the same or a different name.
If you use Bundt in this manner, you must acknowledge the original source like this:
If you find a problem with Bundt, or have a suggestion to make, your comments will be very welcome.
Contents distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Terms of Use
Contact Us
last updated on 08 October 2020