Bundt User's Manual · Bundt Toolset version

Amend and Update

When altering information in a instance model, you can choose between amending and updating. Each has different semantics and responds to different needs.


Before you alter a value or reference in an instance model, you must decide what kind of semantics are associated with the change:

  • Amend means that the information to be changed contains a mistake, typo or otherwise erroneous element, and the change is supposed to fix this. In other words, the change does not reflect a change in the world, but an amend being made to fix incorrect information.
  • Update means that the information to be changed is no longer valid or up to date, and the change is supposed to make it a better representation of the world. In other words, the change reflexts the fact that the world has changed and the information needs to be adjusted accordingly.

For example, imagine a Person class having an Address attribute, and an instance p of Person. Imagine that p.Address contains a misplaced comma or an erroneous character. To fix this, we would use an amend change. However, if the person represented by p moves, the necessary change to p.Address would be an update change.

A major consequence of this double change semantics is related to instances of constant features. Values of constant attributes, or references of constant semi-associations, cannot be updated (as they are not supposed to change). However, they can be amended.

See Also

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