Bundt User's Manual · Bundt Toolset version

Find Routes

Routes are connection paths between elements in a model. Routes in type models connect classes, whereas routes in instance models connect objects.


Sometimes it's interesting to find how two elements in a model are connected. In a large type model, for example, it may be necessary to determine how two classes are connected to each other, that is, what associations must be traversed so that we reach the target class from the source one. Similarly, it may be interesting to find out whether two objects in an instance model are connected, and through which paths.

Connections between model elements may be direct or indirect. A direct connection occurs when the source class has a semi-association to the target class, or when the source object has a reference to the target object. An indirect connection is similar, but uses intermediate "hops" to jump from a model element to the next until the target is reached. For example, a Person class may have a semi-association LivesIn to the Town class, and Town, in turn, may have a semi-association IsLocatedIn to the Country class. In this manner, Person and Country are not dirtectly connected, but there is a route between them having one hop through the Town class.

When we search for routes between two model elements, we must specify the maximum number of hops to consider. A maximum of zero hops means that we are only interested in direct connections. If the model is not very small, maximum hops above 4 or 5 can result in many complex routes, and the time to find them can be very long.

You can find the routes between two model elements by using ModelDesigner.

See Also

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