If your can't find the answer to your questions here, please let us know.
What is Bundt for?
Bundt is used to create and manage conceptual models. A conceptual model is an organised collection of knowledge about the world, so basically Bundt is used to create and manage collections of knowledge about the world. These collections, or models, can refer to the categories of things that we are interested in, or to the actual things themselves. In a certain sense, Bundt works like a flexible database that allows you to create information structures and populate them with data that can be queried and edited.
Bundt only works on Windows, right?
Yes. Windows is the most commonly used platform in our environment, so we decided to focus on it. You may be able to run Bundt on a Windows emulator on a different platform, but we can't guarantee it.
Do you have any plans to make a Bundt version for MacOS, Linux, or other operating systems?
No. We are not a software company but a small research lab. Our resources are extremely limited, especially for software development. However, if you would like to port Bundt to another platform, contact us and we will be happy to assist.
Is Bundt open source?
No. Bundt is free to use, integrate and distribute, but it's not open source for various legal reasons. We may be able to release it as open source in the future.
Why is Bundt only in English?
Because most of its potential users use English. We are aware that it would be nice to have localised versions in other languages, and we may be able to release some in the future. If you are interested in a particular language, please let us know.
How mature is Bundt? Can I rely on it for my critical project or data?
Not very mature. Bundt is a research outcome, and although we believe its quality is far superior to that of most academic products, it is far from being a industry-level software system. We work hard to make it better, but please bear in mind that you use it at your own risk.
What's the performance of Bundt? Can it deal with large models?
Bundt is quite performant. Our internal BundtPerf tool yields the following results. A type model can insert over 1200 classes per second, and a 100-class type model loads in under 0.1 seconds. An instance model can insert over 650 objects per second, and a 5000-object instance model loads in under 3.8 seconds. An 11000-object instance model can retrieve individual objects by identifier at over 990 per second, and object collections by class at over 39 per second. Retrieving objects through filtering queries works at 112 queries per second. Navigating objects using complex navigation expressions works at over 590 navigations per second.
How can I view a diagram of my model using ModelDesigner?
You can't. The current version of ModelDesigner cannot display models in diagram form. We are aware that this is an important lacking, so we are working on it for a future version.
The Bundt libraries only work with the .NET Framework, right?
Mostly, yes. The Bundt libraries are .NET Framework asemblies and they are easiest to reference from .NET Framework projects. If you are using .NET Core, there are some limitations to what you can do, but they may work. If you are using Java or other non-.NET environment, there are multiple third-party bridging tools that may help you.
Do you have any plans to port the Bundt libraries to .NET Core, .NET Standard, or non-.NET environments?
Not at the moment. We are not a software company but a small research lab. Our resources are extremely limited, especially for software development. However, we are aware that transitioning towards .NET Core and .NET Standard would be good, and we will do this once these platforms are stable enough. Regarding non-.NET environments, if you would like to port Bundt to one of them, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.